Sunday, October 4, 2009


Okay yesterday I mentioned I had no motivation to do much of anything that required much work. Well, today the motivation found me~just at the wrong time. It arrived at 645am. Of course, I was nice to the kiddos and didn't start anything loud until almost 8am. Last night I semi-cleaned the kitchen which is supposed to be the teenager's chore. Least to say I got tired of warning her so I ended up doing a bit of it myself. It's like total anxiety when things are messy and out of control. I felt some relief last night, but this morning the motivation was a clean floor. We have ugly white linoleum floors we inherited with this house. We do intend to re-do them eventually, but hubs is working on the powder room. I did manage to get two loads of laundry done and some ironing. I am a no-wrinkle freak. Anywho, I feel a little more at ease that I was able to accomplish something. But, we are going to see Grease at Chrysler Hall this afternoon and it is right smack in the middle of the day. Motivation will be depleted after that, I am sure of it. So for now I am going to count my blessings that I was able to get some done today and just suck it up and live with the rest until I can get motivated again....

1 comment:

  1. My motivation is gone now, cause I was silly and decieded to take a valium in the event Betty was riding in our car haha... Now I am zonked...
